Bio DECONDITIONNEUR™ Paddle Depacker

Bio DECONDITIONNEUR™ Paddle Depacker

The Bio Deconditionneur™ Paddle Depacker ™ is a piece of equipment manufactured by the Dutch company MAVITEC. This paddle de-packager unit is designed to separate packaging from organic matter with a flow rate of up to 30 m3 / hour, or 15,000 to 20,000 tonnes per year, in the standard version. Its main asset is to produce quality organic soups that takes into account future standards (<0.5% inert @ 2 mm), it is compatible with biogas installations and the trend towards using natural products. 

With a simple, robust and low-maintenance design, the Paddle Depacker sets itself apart from other systems with a competitive market price. It also has all the ancillary functions of pumping and hoppers ... It is a popular tool for the treatment of unsold supermarket products, accommodating recent provisions made in this area as part of the “anti-waste” drive, which is intended to encourage the circular economy and anaerobic digestion.

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  • Robustness
  • Simple design, easy to maintain
  • A very clean organic soup: with official laboratory test results > 99.5%
  • Click & go system for paddles
  • Variable grid sizes available (6 - 50mm)
  • Hydraulically opening doors for easy access
  • Grid exchange without screws
  • Fixed shaft design
  • Insulated stainless steel hoods, quiet operation
  • Available in painted steel and stainless-steel versions


  • Capacity: up to 30 m3 per hour *
  • Installed power: 45 kW

* according to input

Usage example videos