Waste Recovery Processing Techniques

Serving the Environment with our equipment and expertise
is our job!

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salon ENVIROpro Grand Est

salon ENVIROpro Grand Est

Salon ENVIRO PRO Grand Est, le salon des solutions environnementales, du 15 au 17 novembre 2022 à Nancy

Bio-DECONDITIONNEUR™ Paddle Depacker

Bio DECONDITIONNEUR™ Paddle Depacker

The Paddle Depacker
is installed at SCEA Mont-aux-Roux, a farmer with biogas installation in Normandy. This high capacity depackaging unit processes various kinds of supermarket waste with a capacity up to 30 m3 per hour. The clean organic soup is used for his own biogas installation.

Pollutec 2021

Pollutec 2021

Take a look back at four days of the POLLUTEC Lyon 2021 trade fair. More than 100 projects where on offer on the stand, a great collaborative effort between the MAVITEC and IDEAL teams presented the BioDECONDITIONNEUR™ and REVOLUTION™. The solutions for the management of packed organic waste clearly caught the interest of professionals.

Who are we

Créée en 2003, IDEAL Technologies est une PME innovante et réactive qui installe et assure la maintenance des machines de traitement des déchets industriels banals sur site.

Our job :  assurer l’installation et la maintenance des équipements industriels.

À ce jour nous assurons le suivi des installations vendues, notamment chez Danone, Senoble, Freudenberg, SEDE environnement, l’Oréal, LDC ou encore Nestlé.

To date, more than 400 installations have been sold, a many wich Danone, Senoble, Freudenberg, SEDE environnement, L'Oréal, LDC, Nestlé, Coca-cola, etc...

Two of the companies equiped by IDEAL Technologies received awards in 2007 for their recycling efforts:
Coca-Cola Entreprises UK (“let’s recycle” price) and Hero France (2007 Ademe “waste - 10%” price).

In 2009, IDEAL Technologies has launched 2 new ranges:
REVOLUTION™ Process (re-use of in-line materials) and I.Tech™ (positive energy drying by enthalpy).

In 2014 : the VALPA patent guarnated to produce RDFs from papermilk waste type.

2017 is the year of the BioMEL™: collection and in situ processing of organic waste in industiral kitchens, restaurants, hospitals, schools, etc...